Opt-in is manually selected as a checkbox. This approach allows customers to opt-out of loyalty when creating an account. Seen on Saks, Macys and Revolve.
Splits create account flow from loyalty enrollment flow. This approach introduces the program and its benefits before asking customers to opt-in. Seen on Nordstrom, Target.
Once a user entered an email associated with an existing online account, an error message appears prompting users to sign up using a different form. This message and flow proved to be confusing for people during user testing. It was not clear why they still needed to enroll if they already had an account. Some people also thought they were signing in instead of signing up when prompted to provide their email, password and mobile number.
Once a user entered an email associated with an existing online account, the form fields below become disabled to prevent people from continue filling up the form and pay attention to the error message. The message prompts users to sign in first to continue enrollment. Once the user is logged in, they are asked to enter their mobile number to complete enrollment.
Custom Prompt: to bring awareness for people entering the website or opening the app for the first time. Previous A/B test showed that this type of prompt significantly increases sign up.
Product Detail Page: to bring awareness in our most visited page. After deploying this feature, we saw most enrollments happening on this page.
Sign In / Account Page: to remind people that creating an account equals joining the Loyalty program.
Order Confirmation Page: to encourage people that checkout as a guest to sign up by offering points for their recent transaction as an incentive. Since deploying this feature, we saw a 10% increase in our average daily online enrollments.
Medium fidelity wireframes